Beyond Thoughtfulness: A Student Perspective on Ethical Engineering

Crit Tech


Thoughtfulness on its own, however, is too narrow a paradigm to effectively address the structural problems surrounding contemporary technology production.

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emphasized anticipating and avoiding unintended consequences on the level of the individual engineer

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educate the public

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reflexive engineering and refusal, which considered science and engineering as a social practice and challenged technological determinism

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broaden the idea of who can be an engineer

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respective conceptions of ethics were seldom brought into conversation with each other

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If only technologists had spent more time thinking rigorously about the downstream effects of their work

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the realms of probability theory and moral philosophy blurred

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how few resources were typically required to conduct such experiments

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a computer scientist engaged in ethical engineering as advocacy acts more as a facilitator

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engineers as advocates do not have to start from scratch when imagining how decision-making processes for building software could be made more accountable and legitimate

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there is only so much that researchers can learn working outside of data-rich organizations rather than within them.

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a reflexive engineer may decide that, rather than thoughtfully approaching a solution, it may be better not to build such a system at all—thereby becoming a conscientious objector

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Demand for software engineers was so high, he recounted, that he could afford to take a stance.

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there’s a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can’t take part, you can’t even tacitly take part. And you’ve got to put your bodies upon the gears

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how critical can critical thinking in data science truly be if it presupposes the use of technology as the correct answer

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my job was to make these wildly unsustainable projects just a little less bad

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you want us to machine learn our way out of the climate crisis?

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project lead announced the no-launch decision in a memo in the same manner in which they would usually highlight a product launch

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Getting more women involved in technology could nearly double the talent supply for this critical work”[75]. What if the pipeline should better be disrupted or rerouted?

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foreground the inescapability of having to make choices about how computation rearranges power

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In whose favor does computer science currently tend to reconfigure power?

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