Big CodeX goal: Develop a language for defining computable contracts. In MG's view this means Epilog plus insurance ontology plus domain ontology.
Pierre has lots of ideas here: Synthese standard
Developing a Legal Specification Protocol: Technological Considerations and Requirements (OG)
Harry's computable contracts stuff
Email from DOULCET Pierre-Loïc: Loan as CDL and some begining of a doc (For comments)
Do we need deontic and causal logic? Email from DOULCET Pierre-Loïc: RE: [EXTERNAL] Re: ICAIL Contracts Papers from the last 15 years
Modeling insurance contracts : Exclusions, limits, deductible
On payout limits (see /home/wohanley/work/Stanford/Insurance-Payout-Ontology/datamodel-build/mermaid/diagram.html)
Language benchmark: