Driven by Compression Progress

Compression Unity in Variety


data becomes temporarily interesting by itself to some self-improving, but computationally limited, subjective observer once he learns to predict or compress the data in a better way, thus making it subjectively simpler and more beautiful

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Newton’s law of gravity can be formulated as a short piece of code which allows for substantially compressing many observation sequences involving falling apples

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science and art can be regarded as by-products of the desire to create / discover more data that is compressible in hitherto unknown ways

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compressed version of the data can be viewed as its simplifying explanation

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curiosity drive is such a general and generally useful concept for limited-resource RL in rare-reward environments that it should be prewired

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Generally speaking, among several sub-patterns classified as comparable by a given observer, the subjectively most beautiful is the one with the simplest (shortest) description

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Neither the arbitrary nor the fully predictable is truly novel or surprising—only data with still unknown algorithmic regularities are

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