Enter the Black Box: Aesthetic Speculations in the General Economy of Being


neoliberal model consists in the ‘generalization of the “enterprise” form … so to make it a model of social relations and of existence itself’. 33 In fact, digital net- worked platforms have allowed for the neoliberal project to flourish, consoli- dating the tendency toward total financialization on the basis of a hybrid para- digm between strategic war-thinking and speculative mode of thinking-feeling indebted to gambling

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evident in the functioning of the financial apparatus, which not only aims to bring the future into the present through complex models for the leveraging of risk and volatility but, by doing so, annihilates the very possibility of a future ‘because all possibilities had already been used and bound by past operations’

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Under neoliberalism the market is conceived as a huge information system that contains perfect information,

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Prices Contain Information

how is the im- perceptible—the black boxed—felt without being sensed? And how does this impact the evolution (and survival) of humanity in the face of evolutionary fi- nancial warfare?

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mode of control that directly relies on the ‘creordering’, evaluation, and economic exploitation of the senses according to algo-financial logic.

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In the contemporary financial world, ubiquitous, interactive algorithms precisely constitute these ‘mutational filters’, 60 that quantify and discretize qual- itative relational dynamics (for instance, values, ‘feels’, beliefs) in real time, and conversely, transduce these abstract quantities into key points that contribute to the ontogenesis of new perceptions of the physical world.

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construct real-time models of the world from the bottom up, in which technology becomes an integral part of the human sen- sorium, while at the same time humans become an incidental element in the sensing of machines

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When the feel of the market is auto- mated, what is left to the human is the sense of displacement

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ontogenetic character of real-time algorithms that inaugurates a new mode of control—‘postcybernetic control’— by concretising new spatio-temporal actualities in accordance with algorithmic speculative reasoning. Or in her words: ‘the question of control is now as follows: how can that which relates to itself become? To put it crudely, postcybernet- ic control is now concerned with the programming of events’.

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turns the market, and culture at large, into an unintended consequence of this open formalism

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