The Un-Modeled World: Law and the Limits of Machine Learning

Predictive Analytics


innovation operates as a self-corrective —a built-in feature that limits the ability of technology to fully objectify human life and law error-free.

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not that error does much to impede the enterprise…

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machine learning occurs when two conditions are satisfied: learnable regularity and contextual invariance

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unplanned innovations guarantee that perfect predictability in law and elsewhere cannot be achieved.

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Martin Heidegger

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Technological instrumentality is temporal, but life is intra-temporal.

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Herbert Marcuse

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Technology is, at its core, a social project of purpose-fulfillment. The purpose is the domination of nature and the improvement of living conditions.

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scientific rationality will extinguish itself as a social project of worth once humans no longer need to perform “socially necessary but individually repressive labor.”

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technology’s ascent is therefore limited by its ability to deliver on that promise.

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Jürgen Habermas

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Over time, legitimization through language and “talking things through” came to be replaced with empirical rationales. Slowly, technology began displacing humans as the legitimizers of economic and state action.

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Superstructure is no longer determined by deliberation among humans. It, too, is empirically rationalized.

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Old-style politics defined itself in relation to practical goals; today’s politics is defined in terms of solutions to technical problems.

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People can, and often do, stand in the way, which generates a need for the de-politicization of mass populations. Habermas contends that this is accomplished by replacing the bourgeois ideology of free exchange with an ideology of scientific and technological legitimization

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A world in which language has been absorbed by technology is a world denatured.

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Technological rationality is not a means after all. It is a process of provocation because it is temporal and we are not.

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II. The Un-Modeled World

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if humans change, then the law must change, too.

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Valiant’s two assumptions imply three hard boundaries for the use of machine learning in law: (1) inherently small sample sizes, which limit the ability to observe a pattern; (2) the reflexive behavior of humans and a tendency toward outsmarting rules, which accomplishes the same; and (3) our contemporary state of perpetual innovation and dynamism, which breaks down both patterns and contexts, especially over time.

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Small Sample Sizes

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Reflexive Behavior

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Humans act in anticipation of the future. Anticipatory and interdependent action distorts learning because people modulate their behavior in response to others.

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Lucas Critique


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We will abide by Galileo’s maxim to “measure what is measurable, and make measurable what is not so,” but what is made measurable will be made un-measurable again and again.

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The predictability of all things is a mechanical delusion.

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