Black Sun: Aryan Cults, Esoteric Nazism and the Politics of Identity




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THE RELIGIOUS AND MYTHIC elements of German National Social- ism often made the Third Reich resemble a cult in power.

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Nazi anti-Semitism was rooted in this apocalyptic demonology,

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large-scale industry, new metropolitan cities, the growth of capitalist finance and organized labor were all perceived as threats by traditional groups.

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Multicultural societies face a similar challenge today.

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Today, the United States and most Euro- pean nations are facing a demographic shift against their historic native stocks. The resulting issue of white identity recapitulates the dilemma of Aus- trian Germans fearing a loss of influence in the old Habsburg Empire.

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despite their overriding concern with colored races, neo-Nazi ideology still identified the Jews as the demonic adversary of the white Aryan peoples. Here the Jews are regarded as the architects of a multiracial world order,

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Hostages to the memory of German National Social- ism, the Anglo-American neo-Nazis remained trapped in a nostalgic cult of Hitler worship, while universal condemnation of the Third Reich and the Holocaust blocked any prospect of political success.

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Neo-Nazism has thereby acquired new myths and meanings for a younger generation.

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Free-trade agreements, the collapse of traditional manufacturing industries and the export of service jobs abroad through computer communications are stimulating racism and hostility to- ward liberalism.

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A century later, liberalism and laissez-faire capitalism are again seen as the motors of unwelcome and threat- ening change. And once again, extremist nationalist reaction echoes völkisch ideas by concentrating on defensive ideologies of race

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this new völkisch re- vival, especially prevalent in the English-speaking world, documents the re- action to the high tide of liberalism and globalization from the 1980s onward.

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Just as the original völkisch movement arose as a defensive ideology of Ger- man identity against modernity in the late nineteenth century, this neo- völkisch revival acts as a defensive ideology of white identity against multicul- turalism, affirmative action and mass Third World immigration.

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The original völkisch move- ment was the ideological precursor of National Socialism and the Third Reich. The rise of a new völkisch movement must therefore give us serious pause.

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study of contemporary racist movements may well offend politically correct sensibilities by posing the very questions which liberal elites prefer to ignore or suppress.

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sure buddy

My hope is that an un- derstanding of the substitute faiths documented in these pages, together with their causes, can help us avoid the recurrence of past conflagrations.

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1 American Neo-Nazism

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it was desegregation and the black civil rights movement of the early 1960s which have provided the enduring political motivation for American racial nationalism.

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The changing ethnic composition of the United States is a profound issue, as is the political cohesion of an increasingly diverse multicultural society.

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uh… is it? What is the issue, precisely?

dra- matic cultural changes in American demography and identity.

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cultural changes in demography?

A mixture of clowning and provocation characterized all of Rockwell’s public appearances.

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Rockwell attended Brown University in 1938 to study philosophy and sociology. He quickly be- came politicized against the liberal, egalitarian tenor of social science and his teachers.

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liberalism was the “pimping little sister” of communism.

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His involvement with the Korean con- flict bred in him an enduring hatred of communism and a paranoid fear that it would undermine the United States.

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but WWII didn't do the same for Nazism?

Rockwell now wondered why America had gone to war on the side of the communist Soviet Union and opposed “Christian Germany, which never had a single highly placed spy in [America], and no plans for conquering the world.”

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Rockwell’s success in achieving notoriety owed much to the growing strength of the contemporary civil rights movement

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prove it