Platforms as Law: A speculative theory of coded, interfacial and environmental norms



the prospect that our modes of self-governance may undergo equally radical change should not be seen as necessarily adverse.

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Taking ‘code as law’ seriously

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discovery of the nomic character of computational code.

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‘code as law’ tends to remove the separation between a norm’s abstract validity and its concrete efficacy, collapsing the is/ought distinction that is fundamental to the modern understanding of law.

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bracketing the fact/norm distinction as an epistemological pre- supposition and entering the metaphysics or ontology of law

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Code has mostly been understood (arguably in Les- sig’s own work) to be ‘law’ only metaphorically — it is like law in some relevant sense, but it is not really law.

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regula- tory technologies can only be conceived of as ‘non- normative’.

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equally important di- mension of speculation about what the alien af- fordances of computational law might turn out to be,

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Platform nomics

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In modern law, by contrast, norms are abstract and coded.

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no they weren't, and they mostly still aren't

Finally, in the ‘nomos of the cloud’, law becomes concrete and coded.

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distinguish between two types of norms: 1) coded norms or programs and 2) interfacial norms.

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Interfacial norms, in turn, both enable and constrain conducts immediately at the level of the platform. They are, however, the mediate product of the implementation of coded norms.

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Applications, interfaces and users

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The relation between any two contiguous levels of a platform stack may be called an interface.

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Thus, on the top levels of a platform stack, conducts are afforded to users by applications and offered to them through user interfaces.

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users do not coincide with pre-given human individuals, whether normative persons or bi- ological bodies.

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We might say that users do not use applications but enter into use with them

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Concluding remarks

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