Mimetic theory

René Girard

Girard's theory of desire. We desire what we perceive others to desire, and positive feedback produces ever-intensifying rivalry. The resulting conflict is resolved by choosing a scapegoat to expel from the community, and the unanimity of this violence is the foundation of civilization (rinse and repeat).

Girard saw the Christian gospels as a revelation of this mechanism, with God himself made scapegoat. This is a source of power for the gospels, but ruins the mechanism: under the influence of Christianity, culture has shifted toward favouring the victim over the mob. With the pressure valve of sacrifice closed, rivalry can only build and build until an outburst of uncontrollable violence.

Mimetic theory has been of increasing interest to the right wing in recent years (time of writing 2024).1 Peter Thiel studied under Girard and is a prominent advocate of his ideas.



John Ganz, “A Geometry of Desire” (Unpopular Front, December 2, 2023), https://www.unpopularfront.news/p/a-geometry-of-desire.