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- Competition
Outgoing Canadian Commissioner of Competition reflects on the law, the Bureau, modern markets, etc
NOTER_PAGE: (7 0.10198845413726747 . 0.42502387774594075)
Unnecessary government regulation in place of free markets imposes costs on businesses and stifles innovation and productivity.
NOTER_PAGE: (7 0.1757536882617062 . 0.5348615090735435)
no word on the stifling effects of monopoly? from the Commissioner of Competition??
Free market capitalism is now recognized by even the world’s most communist and socialist regimes as the undisputed system for generating wealth and innovation.
NOTER_PAGE: (7 0.34830019243104554 . 0.6714422158548233)
the Bureau has a degree of functional autonomy from ISED and positions itself as an independent law enforcement agency. It is, however, important to note that the Bureau’s stated independence from ISED does not necessarily extend to competition policy settings.
NOTER_PAGE: (8 0.5400898011545863 . 0.5033428844317096)
“a degree” of autonomy, “positions itself” as independent… what a fucking joke
calls for greater structural separation to protect the Bureau from potential political interference. Public debates on this very subject arose after the failure of proposed bank mergers in 1999 and the following year, during Air Canada’s acquisition of Canadian Airlines,
NOTER_PAGE: (8 0.704939063502245 . 0.3954154727793696)
(OECD) has also raised concerns with the appearance of conflict of inter- est stemming from the lack of perceived independence of the Bureau
NOTER_PAGE: (9 0.3033996151379089 . 0.12416427889207259)
recommending an integrated agency model, similar to those found in the U.S. (Federal Trade Commission) or in Europe (Directorate General Competition), whereby the Bureau would become both investigator and adjudicator of competition cases, as opposed to the current bifurcated model, where matters are adjudicated by the courts or the Tribunal
NOTER_PAGE: (9 0.8556767158434894 . 0.13753581661891118)
advocated for the creation of a Canadian Competitiveness Council, an independent agency with a broad mandate to publish about, research on, and serve as the public advocate for competition.
NOTER_PAGE: (10 0.14304041051956382 . 0.335243553008596)
suggested that the Bureau does not have sufficient resources to effectively carry out its broad competi- tion policy mandate.
NOTER_PAGE: (10 0.28800513149454776 . 0.3113658070678128)
court decisions (e.g. the Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) in Tervita) that require the Bureau to quantify anti-competitive effects,
NOTER_PAGE: (10 0.6715843489416292 . 0.1308500477554919)
rising costs associated with handling digital records.
NOTER_PAGE: (10 0.6940346375881975 . 0.5883476599808978)
what costs are these?
balanced approach to its mandate, including education, advocacy and enforcement. This serves to limit the need for costly and time consuming contested proceedings
NOTER_PAGE: (10 0.8107761385503527 . 0.6179560649474689)
Historical Background
NOTER_PAGE: (11 0.17190506735086591 . 0.3667621776504298)
Prior to 1976, the Combines Investigation Act, the predecessor of the Act, was entirely criminal in nature.
NOTER_PAGE: (11 0.3431686978832585 . 0.36103151862464183)
elimination of the Director’s market inquiry powers.
NOTER_PAGE: (12 0.5471456061577934 . 0.24355300859598852)
Additionally, in order to prohibit or seek divestitures in a merger under the new law, the Director was now required to demonstrate that the merger has or was likely to “prevent or lessen competition substantially”. However, the Tribunal was not to make an order if the merger was likely to bring about “gains in efficiency that will be greater than, and will offset”, the anti-competitive effects. This unique “efficiencies defence” included in the merger provisions was heavily influenced by the “Chicago School” approach
NOTER_PAGE: (12 0.581783194355356 . 0.15854823304680038)
NOTER_PAGE: (12 0.8422065426555484 . 0.6446991404011461)
the Bureau advocated for the amendment of the merger provisions by narrowing the efficiencies defence so that efficiencies would be considered as a factor in the assessment of the effects of a merger, more in keeping with a consumer welfare standard.
NOTER_PAGE: (13 0.686337395766517 . 0.21107927411652339)
Non-merger efficiency considerations were also considered
NOTER_PAGE: (13 0.8710711994868505 . 0.15472779369627507)
In 1995, the Mulroney government dismantled the Department of Consumer Affairs in a structural overhaul that saw the Bureau of Competition Policy become part of the Department of Industry.
NOTER_PAGE: (14 0.20141116100064144 . 0.1518624641833811)
NOTER_PAGE: (14 0.3066067992302758 . 0.24259789875835722)
NOTER_PAGE: (14 0.536241180243746 . 0.36867239732569246)
significant change to how the Bureau dealt with the most serious cartels, increasing fines to $25 million and jail time to 14 years, while simultaneously making cartels per se illegal and removing the so-called “undueness provisions”.
NOTER_PAGE: (16 0.09844192634560907 . 0.6012658227848101)
Shared Compliance
NOTER_PAGE: (18 0.3838526912181303 . 0.3871308016877637)
NOTER_PAGE: (18 0.4454674220963173 . 0.22995780590717296)
Increased Guidance
NOTER_PAGE: (18 0.8498583569405099 . 0.38080168776371304)
Improved Relationships and Collaboration
NOTER_PAGE: (19 0.5552407932011332 . 0.2542194092827004)
Current Issues in Competition Law and Policy
NOTER_PAGE: (20 0.09560906515580737 . 0.22995780590717296)
Never has it been more challenging to be a competition agency.
NOTER_PAGE: (20 0.12818696883852693 . 0.1571729957805907)
One major issue that competition agencies are faced with is the current populist concern over rising concentration and economic inequality,
NOTER_PAGE: (20 0.25424929178470257 . 0.15400843881856538)
this is not an “issue” for competition agencies, it's grassroots support for competition agencies
commonly referred to as the “hipster antitrust” movement.
NOTER_PAGE: (20 0.3009915014164306 . 0.13185654008438819)
more commonly called the neo-Brandeis movement, at least if you're serious
NOTER_PAGE: (21 0.6664305949008499 . 0.20358649789029534)
what's radical about this? how can a position even be described as “radical” when there's no consensus position from which to depart?
NOTER_PAGE: (21 0.831444759206799 . 0.14767932489451477)
Size in and of itself is not a competition law violation and reports that note rising concentration lack this critical nuance.
NOTER_PAGE: (21 0.9192634560906516 . 0.6012658227848101)
what? no they don't, the fact that it isn't illegal is exactly what they're talking about
These statistics, for example, are misleading because they cannot discern whether the consolidation arose to achieve economies of scale, which would benefit consumers and economic welfare.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.15934844192634562 . 0.32172995780590713)
while inequality, fairness and political power are legiti- mate concerns, stretching the traditional competition framework to try to address these problems is not an appropriate solution.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.2641643059490085 . 0.30379746835443033)
one way to introduce more competition into the economy that the ‘concentration debate’ does not emphasize enough, is to make markets more open for both domestic and international competitors. An open economy can limit market power by making markets more contestable.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.703257790368272 . 0.12658227848101264)
or it can make markets less contestable by allowing international giants to wipe out locals… come on, man
foreign investment barriers preventing change that is essential for a modern, thriving economy.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.8293201133144477 . 0.32700421940928265)
Government price control and other regulations remain in Canadian markets
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.8937677053824363 . 0.2584388185654008)
NOTER_PAGE: (23 0.10269121813031162 . 0.45886075949367083)
I strongly support the proposition that public restraints to competition can do much more harm to the economy than private restraints.
NOTER_PAGE: (23 0.16572237960339944 . 0.2974683544303797)
jesus christ
Bureau Approach
NOTER_PAGE: (23 0.4079320113314448 . 0.4008438818565401)
Strong, Principled Enforcement
NOTER_PAGE: (23 0.6005665722379604 . 0.3227848101265823)
targeting the most egregious offences in antitrust– hard-core cartels directed at price fixing, bid rigging, market allocation and output restriction.
NOTER_PAGE: (23 0.7039660056657224 . 0.3343881856540084)
NOTER_PAGE: (24 0.3746458923512748 . 0.6761603375527425)
our decision to not move forward with a challenge, unlike our U.S. counterparts, serves as a living example of the way in which the Act’s efficiency defence is both misaligned with our international partners, and harmful to Canadian businesses and consumers.
NOTER_PAGE: (25 0.5014164305949008 . 0.2172995780590717)
Although our review concluded there would not be significant anti-competitive effects arising from the above proposed transaction, we subsequently opened up an investigation into Postmedia/Torstar when evidence was uncovered that suggested potential violations of the cartel provisions of the Act on the part of the merging parties. The Bureau thus demonstrated that, true to its word, it would not hesitate to act.
NOTER_PAGE: (25 0.6876770538243626 . 0.22573839662447256)
this is literally a story about the Bureau hesitating to act
Enforcement in the Digital Economy
NOTER_PAGE: (26 0.20609065155807366 . 0.2943037974683544)
Abuse of Dominance
NOTER_PAGE: (26 0.44688385269121816 . 0.3755274261603375)
Deceptive Marketing Practices
NOTER_PAGE: (26 0.8016997167138811 . 0.3175105485232067)
NOTER_PAGE: (27 0.10339943342776205 . 0.42194092827004215)
As part of an agreement reached with the Bureau, Bell Canada affirmed its commitment not to direct, encourage or incentivize its employees or contractors to rate, rank or review apps in app stores.
NOTER_PAGE: (27 0.2641643059490085 . 0.6656118143459915)
the big win here is that they agreed to obey the law?
Drip Pricing
NOTER_PAGE: (27 0.419971671388102 . 0.44514767932489446)
early 2018, when it took legal action against Ticketmaster and its parent company, Live Nation, to stop them from allegedly making deceptive claims to consumers when advertising prices for sports and entertainment tickets.
NOTER_PAGE: (27 0.7620396600566572 . 0.490506329113924)
so why do they still charge so many junk fees?
Misleading Advertising
NOTER_PAGE: (27 0.8987252124645893 . 0.3649789029535865)
NOTER_PAGE: (28 0.19900849858356942 . 0.43881856540084385)
Advocate for greater competition
NOTER_PAGE: (28 0.4624645892351275 . 0.3111814345991561)
Aligning Priorities with the Government of Canada
NOTER_PAGE: (29 0.24504249291784705 . 0.19831223628691982)
NOTER_PAGE: (29 0.28753541076487255 . 0.14662447257383965)
fine tuning rather than a drastic overhaul.
NOTER_PAGE: (30 0.09985835694050992 . 0.3280590717299578)
Canada must not succumb to the growing, vocal calls of the so-called ‘hipster antitrust movement’ and amend its legislation to include a public interest function for the Bureau. Canada’s current competition law, soundly based on normative economic principles, is well placed to continue to serve its valuable role. Any efforts to revise it to include considerations put forward by the populist antitrust movement would severely undermine it.
NOTER_PAGE: (30 0.12110481586402266 . 0.16772151898734175)
NOTER_PAGE: (30 0.2811614730878187 . 0.310126582278481)
NOTER_PAGE: (30 0.3597733711048159 . 0.430379746835443)
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.221671388101983 . 0.1772151898734177)
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.28257790368271957 . 0.4124472573839662)
the Bureau’s independence is the single most important issue it faces going forward.
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.31869688385269124 . 0.28270042194092826)
NOTER_PAGE: (32 0.12110481586402266 . 0.410337552742616)
NOTER_PAGE: (32 0.29107648725212465 . 0.7067510548523206)
NOTER_PAGE: (32 0.873229461756374 . 0.45147679324894513)
Since I assumed the office of Commissioner in 2013, the Bureau’s core budget has been frozen, and will be further decreased by 5% for the coming three years.
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.3895184135977337 . 0.15189873417721517)
The Bureau’s budget for the fiscal year 2017-18 is $47.9 million and this includes 364 full-time employees (FTEs), numbers that have decreased steadily since the 2011-12 fiscal year, when the budget and FTEs were $51.4 M and 400, respectively.
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.4971671388101983 . 0.30801687763713076)
the Bureau serves an revenue centre for the Canadian government,
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.896600566572238 . 0.490506329113924)
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.3611898016997167 . 0.22046413502109702)
Converge Laws to Reflect International Standards.
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.4079320113314448 . 0.21097046413502107)
Consumer welfare should become the sole objective of the Act.
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.45467422096317284 . 0.1561181434599156)
The statutory efficiencies defence in merger review, which is found in no competition legislation other than South Africa’s, should be repealed and replaced with the international standard for efficiencies claims.
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.5892351274787536 . 0.18459915611814345)
efficiencies should be one factor considered among many economic factors
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.6458923512747876 . 0.4071729957805907)
Tervita narrows the application of the Act by elevating quantifiable harm and favouring static price effects over competition considerations important to the digital economy. As a result, the Tervita decision allocates negative effects on innovation, usually a non-price effect, to a secondary consideration
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.8087818696883853 . 0.5242616033755274)
Canada’s approach to efficiencies means we are accepting reductions in competition in exchange for static and short-run fixed cost savings, which may or may not come to fruition.
NOTER_PAGE: (38 0.4284702549575071 . 0.46308016877637126)
Return Express Market Study Powers to the Bureau
NOTER_PAGE: (38 0.8378186968838527 . 0.3312236286919831)
New and Stronger Consumer Protection Law to Instill Trust in the Online Marketplace
NOTER_PAGE: (39 0.3526912181303116 . 0.2341772151898734)
Greater Private Access to the Competition Tribunal
NOTER_PAGE: (39 0.6453900709219859 . 0.33579725448785636)
Repair Inefficient Cartel Enforcement Model
NOTER_PAGE: (40 0.10070921985815603 . 0.24604012671594508)
enable the Bureau to proceed against hard-core cartels using a “dual track” approach.
NOTER_PAGE: (40 0.4276595744680851 . 0.12988384371700104)
NOTER_PAGE: (40 0.6347517730496455 . 0.16367476240760295)
NOTER_PAGE: (40 0.7687943262411348 . 0.1573389651531151)
significant finan- cial rewards to whistleblowers
NOTER_PAGE: (41 0.2446808510638298 . 0.4413938753959873)
In the US, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has returned hundreds of millions of dollars to investors in the last 6 years as a result of its wildly successful whistle-blower program.
NOTER_PAGE: (41 0.3517730496453901 . 0.24392819429778245)
NOTER_PAGE: (41 0.7531914893617022 . 0.25659978880675816)
patent litigation settlements between branded and generic pharmaceutical companies in which the generic company agrees to delay entry into the market in return for a large payment by the branded company.
NOTER_PAGE: (41 0.8567375886524823 . 0.39176346356916575)
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.3567375886524823 . 0.17317845828933473)
Speed up Bureau Investigations and Tribunal Adjudication Processes to Remain Relevant with the Pace of Change in the Digital Marketplace
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.4092198581560284 . 0.23970432946145723)
Provide Express Authority to “Name and Shame”
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.7262411347517731 . 0.22386483632523757)
Bureau could increase its use of warning letters
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.9163120567375888 . 0.3146779303062302)
Earlier Engagement with Targets and Merging Parties
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.15673758865248227 . 0.19218585005279828)
Create a Chief Technology Officer Position within the Bureau
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.41773049645390076 . 0.25343189017951423)
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.6113475177304964 . 0.3474128827877508)
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.8198581560283689 . 0.4413938753959873)