Rice Wine

Fermentation Victuals

This is basically a 2-part process:

  1. Mold (e.g. Koji) converts starches in rice to sugars
  2. Yeast converts sugars to alcohol

Need sweet rice for maximum sugar production.


  1. Soak glutinous rice in cool water for an hour or so, boil rice (2c water per 1c rice), cool, roll into balls, coat balls with crumbled Chinese yeast balls, throw balls in a jar, stir ~weekly for 4-6 weeks

Some instructions: https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/threads/making-traditional-rice-wine-cheap-fun-and-different.361095/#post-4586921
Another set of instructions: https://imgur.com/gallery/kzrOV


Clarifies much faster in the fridge

Batch 1

Loosely following https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/threads/making-traditional-rice-wine-cheap-fun-and-different.361095/#post-4586921

Rice: Asian Dragon glutinous rice
Yeast: Chinese yeast balls

Batch 2: Aborted Jiuniang

Loosely following https://imgur.com/gallery/kzrOV

Rice: Asian Dragon glutinous rice
Culture: Angel Rice Leaven + Chinese Yeast Balls

Apartment is fairly cold, so expecting slow progress.

Batch 3

Loosely following https://www.homebrewtalk.com/forum/threads/making-traditional-rice-wine-cheap-fun-and-different.361095/#post-4586921

Rice: Asian Dragon and Golden Phoenix
Yeast: Chinese Yeast Balls and Texana Thai Red Vita Rice (yeasty? unclear)

Batch 4: Bit of red rice in the mix. Fine but not terrific

Usual method, double batch

Rice: Golden Phoenix
Yeast: Balls and red rice

Batch 5

Roughly batch 1 method

Rice: Fair Brand
Yeast: Balls

Batch 6