Reclaiming AI as a theoretical tool for cognitive science



AI is one of the cognitive sciences

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the term ‘AI’ was also used to refer to the aim of using com- putational tools to develop theories of natural cognition.

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for decades there was a close dialogue between the fields of AI and cognitive psychology

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AI (sometimes called cognitive simulation, or information pro- cessing psychology)

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AI qua information processing psychology was built on the idea that human cognition is, or can be scientifically un- derstood as, a form of computation; this view is also known as (minimal) computationalism

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how this prac- tice creates distorted and impoverished views of ourselves and deteriorates our theoretical understanding of cognition,

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mathematical proof of inherent in- tractability (formally, NP-hardness) of the task that these AI engineers set themselves.

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states of the art across many [AI] tasks are being im- proved[, but] the question is whether the hill we are climbing so rapidly is the right hill.

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Flying pigs are also possible in principle; pos- sible in principle bakes no bread.

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lower-bound on the real-world complexity of constructing human-like AI from human data.

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expresses candidate algo- rithms A using a specification language, L_A.

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extremely low bar for what counts as “approximate”.

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perform human-like with a probability that is non-negligibly higher than chance level.

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upper bound K on the size of the program that they can in principle encode (i.e., |L_A| ≤ K).

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If a tractable method M for solving AI-by-learning would exist, then we could use M to solve Perfect-vs-Chance tractably,

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In practice, AIs are being continu- ously produced which are claimed to be either human-like and human-level AI or inevitably on a path leading there.

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Concretely, this means that they make lots of errors—deviating substantially from human be- haviour

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even if the problem may be practically solv- able for trivially simple situations (small n), any attempts to scale up to situations of real-world, human-level complexity (medium to large n) will necessarily consume an astronom- ical amount of resources

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appear to contra- dict both intuition and experiences with existing AIs.

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AIs appear human-like in non- rigorous tests, but the likeness is debunked when more rig- orous tests are made

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no mat- ter how much “better” AI gets, it will be off by light-years, wrong in exponentially many situations.

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claims of abilities emerging with the scaling up of models are often revealed to be trivial products of the researcher’s choice of metric

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models are not simply ‘well-performing’ or ‘accurate’ in the abstract but always in relation to and as quantified by some metric on some dataset”

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if you think your AI is very human-like, then you are not testing it critically enough

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Makeism: The view that computationalism implies that (a) it is possible to (re)make cognition computation- ally; (b) if we (re)make cognition then we can explain and/or understand it; and possibly (c) explaining and/or understanding cognition requires (re)making cognition itself.

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Such replacements are a clear case of “map territory confusion”, and with a poor map at that. This may seem to make sense if one believes that the AIs ap- proximate human behaviour (though even then it is not a suf- ficient condition, Guest & Martin, 2023), but as we explained above the AIs do not actually approximate human behaviour.

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I think a lot of people who are replacing humans with AIs never actually wanted humans at all, though - in fact the inhumanity is exactly what they like. that AIs don't actually approximate humans all that closely is a major advantage

Computationalism without makeism is still theoretically fruitful.

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computationalism primar- ily aids cognitive science by providing conceptual and for- mal tools for theory development and for carefully assess- ing whether something is computationally possible or not, in principle and in practice.

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we are dealing with mas- sive underdetermination of theory by data: i.e., if we observe behaviours consistent with a computational level theory, we cannot infer which algorithms or neural processes underlie the behaviour.

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