Simply Logical



I Logic and Logic Programming

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1 A brief introduction to clausal logic

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This reasoning pattern is called resolution

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Resolution adds a procedural interpretation to logical formulas

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in current logic programming systems the procedural interpretation does n o t exactly match the declarative interpretation

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suppose that the formula to be proved is false, and show that this leads to a contradiction

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the symbols ‘?-’ and ‘:-’ are in fact equivalent

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two definitions of a relation are (procedurally) equivalent if they have the same success set (restricted to that relation)

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recursion is the only looping structure

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what are the limits of expressiveness of clausal logic, i.e. what can and what cannot be expressed?

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what are the limits of reasoning with clausal logic, i.e. what can and what cannot be (efficiently) computed?

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2 Clausal logic and resolution: theoretical backgrounds

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answering queries is in fact no different from proving theorems

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Prolog is both unsound and incomplete. This has been a deliberate design choice: a sound and complete Prolog would be much less efficient.

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programmer should know exactly the circumstances under which Prolog is unsound or incomplete, and avoid these circumstances in her programs.

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is it possible to detect these circumstances automatically, either in the reasoner or (better) in some kind of preprocessor?

definite clause logic, which is the subset of clausal logic used in Prolog

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relate clausal logic to Predicate Logic, and show that they are essentially equal in expressive power.

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2.1 Propositional clausal logic

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a proposition is any statement which is either true or false

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propositional logic, the weakest form of logic.

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Propositions are abstractly denoted by atoms, which are single words starting with a lowercase character

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Using the special symbols ‘:-’ (if), ‘;’ (or) and ‘,’ (and), we can combine atoms to form clauses

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The Herbrand base of a program P is the set of atoms occurring in P

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A Herbrand interpretation (or interpretation for short) for P is a mapping from the Herbrand base of P into the set of truth values {true, false}

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A Herbrand interpretation can be viewed as describing a possible state of affairs in the Universe of Discourse

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we could abbreviate such mappings by listing only the atoms that are assigned the truth value true

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the body of a clause is a conjunction of atoms, and the head is a disjunction

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statements like ‘if the moon is made of green cheese then 2 + 2 = 4’, in which there is no connection at all between body and head. One would like to say that such statements are neither true nor false. However, our semantics is not sophisticated enough to deal with this

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married;bachelor:-man,adult can also be read as ‘someone is married or a bachelor or not a man or not an adult’. Thus, a clause is a disjunction of atoms, which are negated if they occur in the body of the clause

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If a clause is true in an interpretation, we say that the interpretation is a model for the clause. An interpretation is a model for a program if it is a model for each clause in the program.

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a clause C is a logical consequence of a program P if every model of the program is also a model of the clause; we write P C.

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in general, we only want to accept something as true if we are really forced to, i.e. if it is true in every possible model. This means that we should take the intersection of every model of a program in order to construct the intended model. In the example, this is {woman, human}. Note that this model is minimal in the sense that no subset of it is also a model. Therefore, this semantics is called a minimal model semantics.

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The program has in fact not one, but two minimal models, which is caused by the fact that the first clause has a disjunctive head. Such a clause is called indefinite

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if we would only allow definite clauses, i.e. clauses with a single positive literal, minimal models are guaranteed to be unique.

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Prolog is based on definite clause logic. In principle, this means that clauses like woman;man:-human are not expressible in Prolog

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The proof theory for clausal logic consists of a single inference rule called resolution.

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the atom rectangle in the body of the first clause is replaced by the body of the second clause

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also referred to as unfolding

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resolution is not complete at all!

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although resolution is unable to generate every logical consequence of a set of clauses, it is complete in the sense that resolution can always determine whether a specific clause is a logical consequence

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a is a logical consequence of P if, and only if, the empty clause can be deduced by resolution from P augmented with :-a.

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resolution is called refutation complete.

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maintain a list of previously derived clauses, and do not proceed with clauses that have been derived previously.

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this is not possible in the general case of full clausal logic, which is semi-decidable with respect to the question ‘is B a logical consequence of A’: there is an algorithm which derives, in finite time, a proof if one exists, but there is no algorithm which, for any A and B, halts and returns ‘no’ if no proof exists.

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2.2 Relational clausal logic

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In order to formalise this type of reasoning, we need to talk about individuals like Peter and Maria, sets of individuals like Peter’s students, and relations between individuals, such as ‘likes’. This refinement of propositional clausal logic leads us into relational clausal logic.

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Individual names are called constants

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Arbitrary individuals are denoted by variables

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Jointly, constants and variables are denoted as terms. A ground term is a term without variables

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An atom is a predicate followed by a number of terms, enclosed in brackets and separated by commas, e.g. likes(peter,maria)

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The Herbrand universe of a program P is the set of ground terms (i.e. constants) occurring in it.

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The Herbrand base of P is the set of ground atoms that can be constructed using the predicates in P and the ground terms in the Herbrand universe. This set represents all the things we can say about the individuals in the Herbrand universe.

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It will sometimes be useful to rename the variables in clauses, such that no two clauses share a variable; this is called standardising the clauses apart.

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A substitution is a mapping from variables to terms. For example, {S!maria} and {S!X}

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A substitution can be applied to a clause

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reasoning with ground clauses is just like reasoning with propositional clauses.

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An interpretation is a model for a non-ground clause if it is a model for every ground instance of the clause.

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Instead of applying arbitrary grounding substitutions before trying to apply resolution, we will derive the required substitutions from the clauses themselves.

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we do not require that exactly the same atom occurs in both clauses; rather, we require that there is a pair of atoms which can be made equal by substituting terms for variables.

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This process is called unification, and the substitution is called a unifier.

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more general resolvents summarise a lot of less general ones. It therefore makes sense to derive only those resolvents that are as general as possible

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we are only interested in a most general unifier (mgu) of two literals

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As we have seen before, the actual proof method in clausal logic is proof by refutation. If we succeed in deriving the empty clause, then we have demonstrated that the set of clauses is inconsistent under the substitutions that are needed for unification of literals.

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Since the empty clause is derived, the query is indeed refuted, but only under the substitution {N!maria}, which constitutes the answer to the query.

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An important characteristic of relational clausal logic is that the Herbrand universe (the set of individuals we can reason about) is always finite

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relational clausal logic is decidable

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Full clausal logic allows us to reason about infinite domains by introducing more complex terms besides constants and variables

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We have given this person the abstract name person_loved_by(peter)

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Although there is no syntactic difference in full clausal logic between terms and atoms, their meaning and use is totally different

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A term always denotes an individual from the domain, while an atom denotes a proposition about individuals, which can get a truth value.

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the outcome of the mapping is a name, which is determined by unification.

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we introduce different names for individuals that might turn out to be identical

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in the case of full clausal logic with infinite Herbrand universe you can go on applying resolution forever

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Resolution for full clausal logic is very similar to resolution for relational clausal logic: we only have to modify the unification algorithm in order to deal with complex terms.

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The disadvantage of the occur check is that it can be computationally very costly.

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decided to omit the occur check from Prolog’s unification algorithm. On the whole, this makes Prolog unsound; but this unsoundness only occurs in very specific cases, and it is the duty of the programmer to avoid such cases.

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we will show how an additional restriction on each of these variants will significantly improve the efficiency of a computational reasoning system for clausal logic. This is the restriction to definite clauses, on which Prolog is based.

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definite clause logic is less expressive than full clausal logic, the main difference being that clausal logic can handle negative information.

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The way in which a clause is used in a resolution proof cannot be fixed in advance, because it depends on the thing we want to prove

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this indeterminacy substantially increases the time it takes to find a refutation.

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solved by requiring that clauses have exactly one positive literal, which leads us into definite clause logic

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These clauses do not conform to the syntax of definite clause logic, because of the negation symbol not. We will call them general clauses.

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If we want to extend definite clause logic to cover general clauses, we should extend resolution in order to deal with negated literals in the body of a clause.

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preferring a certain procedural interpretation corresponds to preferring a certain minimal model.

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not can only be understood procedurally

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2.5 The relation between clausal logic and Predicate Logic

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Being syntactically quite different, clausal logic and Predicate Logic are semantically equivalent in the following sense: every set of clauses is, after minor modifications, a formula in Predicate Logic, and conversely, every formula in Predicate Logic can be rewritten to an ‘almost’ equivalent set of clauses.

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3 Logic Programming and Prolog

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In a purely declarative programming language, the programmer would have no means to express procedural knowledge, because logically equivalent programs would behave identical. However, Prolog is not a purely declarative language

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order of the literals in the body of a clause usually influences the efficiency of the program to a large degree.

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order of clauses in a program often determines whether a program will give an answer at all.

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3.1 SLD-resolution

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Prolog’s proof procedure is based on resolution refutation in definite clause logic.

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we have to specify how a literal to resolve upon is selected, and how the second input clause is found. Jointly, this is called a resolution strategy.

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Prolog’s selection rule is left to right

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This process is called SLD-resolution: S for selection rule, L for linear resolution (which refers to the shape of the proof trees obtained), and D for definite clauses.

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an SLD-tree may contain infinite branches, if some predicates in the program are recursive.

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This is a rule of thumb that applies to most cases: put non-recursive clauses before recursive ones.

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Prolog will never discover that the query has in fact no answer, simply because the SLD-tree is infinite. So, one should be careful with programs like the above, which define a predicate to be symmetric.

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we might never reach a success branch in the SLD-tree, because we get ‘trapped’ into an infinite subtree

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any infinite SLD-tree causes the inference engine to loop if no (more) answers are to be found.

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There exists a solution to this problem: if we descend the tree layer by layer rather than branch-by-branch, we will find any leaf before we descend to the next level. However, this also means that we must keep track of all the resolvents on a level, instead of just a single one. Therefore, this breadth-first search strategy needs much more memory

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Prolog’s incompleteness was a deliberate design choice, sacrifying completeness in order to obtain an efficient use of memory

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backtracking requires that all previous resolvents are remembered for which not all alternatives have been tried yet, together with a pointer to the most recent program clause that has been tried at that point.

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A node in the SLD-tree which is not a leaf is called a choice point

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how do we tell Prolog that a subtree contains only one success branch? For this, Prolog provides a control device which is called cut (written !)

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Note carefully that a cut does not prune every choice point. First of all, pruning does not occur above the choice point containing the head of the clause in which the cut is found. Secondly, choice points created by literals to the right of the cut, which are below the cut in the SLD-tree but are not yet on the stack when the cut is reached, are not pruned either

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If a cut prunes success branches, then some logical consequences of the program are not returned as answers, resulting in a procedural meaning different from the declarative meaning.

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the effect of a cut is not only determined by the clause in which it occurs but also by other clauses. Therefore, the effect of a cut is often hard to understand.

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Programs with cuts are not only difficult to understand; this last example also shows that their procedural interpretation (the set of answers they produce to a query) may be different from their declarative interpretation (the set of its logical consequences).

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incompatibility between declarative and procedural interpretation makes it a very problematic concept.

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higher- level constructs which have cleaner declarative meanings and which are easier to understand.

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3.3 Negation as failure

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very common use of cut: to ensure that the bodies of the clauses are mutually exclusive.

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built-in predicate call, which takes a goal as argument and succeeds if and only if execution of that goal succeeds.

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not(q) is proved by failing to prove q! Therefore, this kind of negation is called negation as failure.

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the program with not is slightly less efficient than the version with cut

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prefer the use of not, because it leads to programs of which the declarative meaning corresponds more closely to the procedural meaning.

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if we don’t have enough information to conclude that a formula F is true or false, the truth value of its logical negation will also be undecided, but not(F) will be true. This property of negation as failure can be very useful when dealing with exceptions to rules

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if G is instantiated to a goal containing variables at the time not(G) is called, the result may be not in accordance with negation as failure. It is the programmer’s responsibility to avoid this. A simple remedy that will often work is to ensure the grounding of G by literals preceding not(G) in the body of the clause

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3.4 Other uses of cut

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his only works if the recursive call is the last call in the body. In general, it is advisable to write your recursive predicates like play above: the non-recursive clause before the recursive one, and the recursive call at the end of the body. A recursive predicate written this way is said to be tail recursive

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3.5 Arithmetic expressions

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multiplication as repeated addition is extremely inefficient compared to the algorithm for multiplicating numbers in decimal notation. Therefore, Prolog has built-in arithmetic facilities

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3.6 Accumulators

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common trick to transform even the length predicate above into a tail recursive program, using an auxiliary argument called an accumulator.

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since the accumulator is given an initial value of 0, it is always instantiated, such that the is literal can be placed before the recursive call.

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3.7 Second-order predicates

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generalise this program by including the relation which must hold

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Prolog provides access to its internal database where it stores the program clauses, by means of the built-in predicates assert and retract.

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3.8 Meta-programs

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3.9 A methodology of Prolog programming

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II Reasoning with structured knowledge

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knowledge is structured if its components have certain logical relationships.

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such structured knowledge has a convenient graphical representation

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such graphical structures are called graphs.

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the search space for the Towers of Hanoi grows exponentially with the number of disks. In practice, this means that the problem will be unsolvable for large n, no matter how efficient the search program

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Search is a problem solving method which, although applicable to almost any problem, has considerable practical limitations. Therefore, search is only applied to problems for which no analytic solutions are known.

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4 Representing structured knowledge

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when a path from n i to n j passes through a node which is also on a cycle, there are infinitely many different paths from n i to n j. Thus, a graph consisting of a limited number of nodes and arcs can generate infinite behaviour.

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A tree is a special kind of graph which contains a root such that there is a unique path from the root to any other node.

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Only the most specific property regarding material is found, because of the cut in the recursive clause of properties/3.

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5 Searching graphs

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5.1 A general search procedure

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Imagine a visit with a friend to the Staatsgalerie in Stuttgart

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depth-first search is, in general, incomplete. Since Prolog itself employs depth-first search, Prolog is also incomplete. Often, however, the incompleteness of Prolog can be avoided by reordering the clauses

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depth- first search does not always find a shortest solution path.

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the size of the agenda is of the order B!"!n, that is, a linear function of the depth of the tree.

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If there is a chance that the search program gets trapped in an infinite loop, it might be a good idea to employ a predefined depth bound:

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iterative deepening is complete

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A disadvantage of iterative deepening is that upper parts of the search space are searched more than once

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breadth-first search is complete, even for infinite search spaces

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breadth-first search always finds a shortest solution path.

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5.4 Forward chaining

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in some cases we must rather perform forward chaining, because we do not have a goal to start from.

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search strategies which do make such assumptions are called informed search strategies.

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extra information which is incorporated in the search process is provided by an evaluation function h called a heuristic, which estimates how far a given node is from a goal

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Recursive datastructures like lists are useful if the number of items to be stored is not fixed, but they require significantly more storage space.

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Exhaustive search is often impractical, since the size of the agenda grows exponentially with the search depth. The use of a heuristic offers the possibility of keeping only a selection of best nodes on the agenda.

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III Advanced reasoning techniques

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perform inferences that are simply not expressible in first-order clausal logic.

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increased expressiveness also requires more powerful semantics and proof theory.

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7 Reasoning with natural language

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8 Reasoning with incomplete information

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8.1 Default reasoning

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in default reasoning, new information can invalidate previous conclusions, if these conclusions are based on unprovable assumptions which are contradicted

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distinguish between two possible types of rules, those with exceptions, and those without exceptions

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8.2 The semantics of incomplete information

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a way to interpret not as a logical symbol rather than a meta- predicate.

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Closed World Assumption (CWA) states that everything that is not known to be true, must be false

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assumption that, in general, there are many more false statements that can be made than true statements

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hmmmm… what an interesting thought

CWA originates from the field of databases, where all information is stored in the form of ground atoms, so that indefinite (disjunctive) information does not occur.

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basic idea of Predicate Completion is to view each clause as part of the definition of a specific predicate

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definition can be completed by adding the only-if parts, resulting in a full definition: ‘X likes Y if and only if …’. Such a full definition is most easily expressed in Predicate Logic.

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in this case, Comp(P) and CWA(P) are logically equivalent. This is true in general, provided P is a set of definite clauses. Predicate Completion extends the Closed World Assumption by also being able to handle programs containing general clauses

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8.3 Abduction and diagnostic reasoning

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Abduction extends default reasoning by not only making assumptions about what is false, but also about what is true.

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abductive explanations are usually restricted to ground literals with predicates that are undefined in Theory (such literals are called abducibles)

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Procedurally, we can construct an abductive explanation by trying to prove the Observation from the initial Theory alone: whenever we encounter a literal for which there is no clause to resolve with, we add the literal to the Explanation.

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we have to deal explicitly with negated literals in our abduction program

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this approach relies on the fact that negated literals are checked after the abductive explanation has been constructed

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8.4 The complete picture

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9 Inductive reasoning

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Induction is a form of reasoning which infers general rules from specific observations

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A A catalogue of useful predicates

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C Answers to selected exercises

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