Software Licensing

Software Development Intellectual Property

Fair-code: Software model (and associated licences) where software is roughly open source, but commercially restricted, e.g. you can't sell a derivative work unless you make "substantial" changes

Anti-996 licence: MIT-ish plus user must meet certain labour conditions

Borland used to release software under a "no-nonsense licence" that simply reiterated buyers' rights under copyright law:

Keith Porcaro proposes using trusts for software ownership

Prohibitive licences

The Anti-Capitalist Software License
acab/LICENSE at main · jgrey4296/acab · GitHub
GitHub - brean/Non-Military-Open-Source-License: Non-Military Open Source Lic…
ml5.js Code of Conduct. We are asking for your help to make… | by ml5.js | ml…
The Hippocratic License 2.1