Staying With the Trouble, chapter 3: Sympoiesis

LAW 328 Green Legal Theory


Sympoiesis is a simple word; it means “making-with.”

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Sympoiesis is a word proper to complex, dynamic, responsive, situated, historical systems. It is a word for worlding-with, in company. Sympoiesis enfolds autopoiesis and gen- eratively unfurls and extends it.

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irresistible attraction toward enfold- ing each other is the vital motor of living and dying on earth.

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holobionts, or, etymologi- cally, “entire beings” or “safe and sound beings.”

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“the intimacy of strangers,” a phrase she proposed to describe the most fundamental practices of critters becoming-with each other

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holoents as a general term to replace “units” or “beings.”

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As long as autopoiesis does not mean self-sufficient “self making,” autopoiesis and sympoiesis, foregrounding and back- grounding different aspects of systemic complexity, are in generative friction, or generative enfolding, rather than opposition.

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bounded units (code fragments, genes, cells, organisms, populations, species, ecosystems) and relations described mathematically in competition equations are virtually the only actors and story formats of the Modern Synthesis. Evolutionary momentum, always verging on modernist notions of progress, is a constant theme

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A model is a work object; a model is not the same kind of thing as a metaphor or analogy. A model is worked, and it does work.

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these individuated systems fail the researcher studying webbed inter- and intra-actions of symbiosis and sympoiesis, in heterogeneous temporalities and spatialities.

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relationalities are the objects of study

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What distinguishes King’s lab is its production of a model system that is experimentally tractable, trans- ferable in principle to other sites, and generative of testable questions at the heart of being animal.

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I think it matters that both of these papers were published in prominent places at a critical inflection point in the curve of research on, and explanation of, complex biological systems in the urgent times called the Anthropocene, when the arts for living on a damaged planet demand sympoietic thinking and action.

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zero-sum game based on competing methodological individualists is a caricature of the sensuous, juicy, chemical, biological, material-semiotic, and science-making world.

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Diné and Hopi agriculturalists and herders lived adjacent to and among each other in mixed amity and competition until the advent of industrial-scale coal mining on Black Mesa, which engineered intense conflict conveniently misread as timeless tribal feuds.

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iff proposes and enacts not think tanks or work tanks, but play tanks

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The crochet reef is a practice of caring without the neediness of touching by camera or hand in yet another voyage of discovery.

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local people’s accurate assessment of the effects of generations of visiting experts, while the experts and visiting research scientists of- ten knew little or nothing about the terrible history of land seizures, colonial and postcolonial search-and-destroy operations, rapacious ex- traction schemes, and the impact on villagers of the failed projects of usually well intentioned but often ignorant foreign scientists and both local and foreign ngo s.

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The idea that disaster will come is not new; disaster, indeed genocide and devastated home places, has already come, decades and centuries ago, and it has not stopped.

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Stories for living in the Chthulucene demand a certain suspension of ontologies and epistemologies, holding them lightly, in favor of more venturesome, experimental natural histories.

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spirit helpers favor their kin. Animism cannot be donned like a magic cape by visitors.

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