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- Causal Inference
NOTER_PAGE: (3 0.16606498194945848 . 0.45514018691588787)
change is hard to engineer.
NOTER_PAGE: (3 0.3299638989169675 . 0.2672897196261682)
stabilizing forces usually steer them back onto the path they would have been on absent the intervention.
NOTER_PAGE: (3 0.3667870036101083 . 0.3186915887850467)
That’s not to say that the social world is static: to the contrary, it’s changing all the time. This is a claim about the ability to engineer such change using a particular type of intervention.
NOTER_PAGE: (3 0.43249097472924186 . 0.24953271028037385)
Hoping to replicate the medical-context success, the social sciences have embraced RCTs.
NOTER_PAGE: (3 0.5292418772563177 . 0.2280373831775701)
NOTER_PAGE: (5 0.2671480144404332 . 0.2280373831775701)
NOTER_PAGE: (5 0.4180505415162455 . 0.3149532710280374)
Martinson made the infamous proclamation that “nothing works” when it comes to prisoner rehabilitation,
NOTER_PAGE: (6 0.251985559566787 . 0.4523364485981309)
failure of social programs was so ubiquitous that it should be known as the Iron Law of Evaluation.
NOTER_PAGE: (6 0.2931407942238267 . 0.21869158878504674)
NOTER_PAGE: (7 0.1927797833935018 . 0.34205607476635513)
You can’t control for motivation. You can’t fully control for access to resources.
NOTER_PAGE: (10 0.6028880866425993 . 0.5102803738317757)
Publication Bias
NOTER_PAGE: (11 0.19927797833935018 . 0.26542056074766357)
cf Replication Crisis
RCTs provide evidence about the causal impact of interventions on outcomes for a particular sample.
NOTER_PAGE: (15 0.3494584837545126 . 0.44485981308411215)
interventions evaluated by RCTs need to be manipulable, meaning that they need to be something that can be randomly assigned
NOTER_PAGE: (15 0.46498194945848376 . 0.2822429906542056)
interventions need to be isolable,
NOTER_PAGE: (15 0.4931407942238267 . 0.28504672897196265)
Socioeconomic class, for instance, is not isolable.
NOTER_PAGE: (16 0.14296028880866427 . 0.3271028037383178)
Interventions also tend to be of limited scope.
NOTER_PAGE: (16 0.24693140794223825 . 0.2411214953271028)
experiments are likely to be considered unethical if they make an individual appreciably worse off.
NOTER_PAGE: (16 0.251985559566787 . 0.6242990654205608)
it is rare to find groups that vary massively along one dimension but are otherwise statistically identical.
NOTER_PAGE: (16 0.3588447653429603 . 0.39252336448598135)
researchers tend to be interested in longer-term or indirect effects of a program.
NOTER_PAGE: (17 0.20288808664259927 . 0.2953271028037383)
NOTER_PAGE: (17 0.2945848375451263 . 0.6084112149532711)
the shift toward using RCTs to evaluate social policies has meant prioritizing small-bore questions over more important (and more difficult to answer) ones.
NOTER_PAGE: (18 0.16101083032490973 . 0.5355140186915888)
Streetlight Effect
The interventions evaluated by RCTs may be of limited scope, but they are actionable interventions.
NOTER_PAGE: (19 0.17978339350180506 . 0.3850467289719626)
questions answered by RCTs are directly relevant to the activist, NGO, or policymaker who wants to know what they can do to change the world.
NOTER_PAGE: (19 0.27292418772563176 . 0.2252336448598131)
NOTER_PAGE: (19 0.5061371841155234 . 0.35233644859813085)
NOTER_PAGE: (19 0.5270758122743682 . 0.4177570093457944)
only 29 of the 122 studies (24%) found statistically significant impacts in the desired direction.111 Furthermore, the estimated treatment effect was in the desired direction in only 77 out of 122 studies (63%).
NOTER_PAGE: (21 0.1963898916967509 . 0.305607476635514)
study found that an initial arrest led to substantially fewer repeat incidents over the subsequent six months.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.15018050541516245 . 0.33644859813084116)
This study was enormously influential and was used to support mandatory arrest laws across the nation.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.21660649819494585 . 0.24485981308411217)
Combining data across all seven studies, researchers later concluded that arrest did not, in fact, have a consistent or large effect on recidivism.
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.2787003610108303 . 0.34392523364485983)
The original study and three follow-up studies (all RCTs) showed large reductions in recidivism
NOTER_PAGE: (22 0.35018050541516244 . 0.6495327102803738)
Once they adjusted for publication bias, MST’s effect size was close to zero
NOTER_PAGE: (23 0.2187725631768953 . 0.6168224299065421)
within a few years, “swift, certain, and fair” sanctioning had been adopted in at least 160 instances.
NOTER_PAGE: (24 0.20938628158844763 . 0.2775700934579439)
Again, the National Institute of Justice funded RCTs to try and replicate Project HOPE’s success across five sites.137 The results were not promising:
NOTER_PAGE: (24 0.23321299638989168 . 0.28037383177570097)
teaching youths to “think slow”
NOTER_PAGE: (25 0.20216606498194944 . 0.3504672897196262)
effects for subsequent cohorts were close to zero and statistically insignificant.
NOTER_PAGE: (26 0.14296028880866427 . 0.5214953271028038)
While the original success was published in economics’ most prestigious journal and received widespread media attention, the subsequent failure to replicate is mentioned only tangentially in the back pages of an unpublished working paper on a different topic.
NOTER_PAGE: (26 0.19999999999999998 . 0.33271028037383177)
the interventions which get evaluated across multiple sites are those that, based on theory or prior research, are believed to be particularly promising.
NOTER_PAGE: (28 0.17689530685920576 . 0.31401869158878504)
the most widely studied strategies in criminal justice seem to have, at most, small and contested effects.
NOTER_PAGE: (29 0.25415162454873647 . 0.41401869158878507)
the one area of causal inference research in which lasting or replicable effects are found somewhat more frequently is interventions made to the lives of youths.
NOTER_PAGE: (29 0.28447653429602887 . 0.3037383177570094)
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.22382671480144403 . 0.3457943925233645)
A. Stabilizers, Cascades, and Complexity
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.423826714801444 . 0.22429906542056074)
the social world is full of what I call “stabilizers” and short on what I refer to as “cascades.”
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.5184115523465703 . 0.2822429906542056)
Stabilizers are the set of socioeconomic forces that resist externally-imposed change.
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.5891696750902526 . 0.24672897196261684)
whatever socioeconomic forces made it hard for that individual to find a job in the first place—for example, a society in which access to opportunity is deeply segregated—prove to be powerful inhibitors. After the program is over, the participant returns to the place they would have been absent the intervention.
NOTER_PAGE: (31 0.6541516245487364 . 0.22897196261682243)
Cascades are forces that magnify small changes, that turn a small intervention into a large and lasting effect.
NOTER_PAGE: (32 0.31263537906137184 . 0.31401869158878504)
Cascade narratives can be very compelling. But that doesn’t mean they are true. RCTs teach us that very few interventions launch such a virtuous cycle of accumulating benefits. The social scientists’ holy grail—the small, inexpensive intervention with large, widespread, and lasting gains—appears to be mostly myth.
NOTER_PAGE: (32 0.47003610108303245 . 0.2457943925233645)
NOTER_PAGE: (32 0.6274368231046931 . 0.43457943925233644)
B. Scope of the Claim
NOTER_PAGE: (33 0.22815884476534296 . 0.22897196261682243)
1. Does the Claim Apply Outside of the Criminal Legal Space?
NOTER_PAGE: (33 0.4592057761732852 . 0.24205607476635516)
Perhaps there is something unique about the people studied by RCTs in the criminal legal space that could limit generalizability.
NOTER_PAGE: (33 0.4823104693140794 . 0.24392523364485982)
Microcredit (loaning small amounts of money, often to women) was, for many years, the darling of the development world. Eventually, it was shown to have little to no net benefit in most places.
NOTER_PAGE: (34 0.5682310469314079 . 0.34205607476635513)
Health insurance, randomly allocated via lottery, was shown to increase healthcare usage and reduce bills sent to a collections agency.176 Yet, it had no statistically significant effect on physical health or labor market outcomes.
NOTER_PAGE: (34 0.5978339350180505 . 0.6009345794392523)
the Iron Law of Evaluation: “The expected value of any net impact assessment of any large-scale social program is zero.”
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.1407942238267148 . 0.3186915887850467)
when it came to more indirect outcomes—health, consumption habits, etc.—the researchers found that, overall, “the lives of recipients were not altered dramatically by the payments offered in the experiments.”
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.2967509025270758 . 0.22429906542056074)
The more speculative it sounds, the less likely it is there will be a robust and replicable causal relationship.
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.38700361010830325 . 0.3224299065420561)
2. Does the Claim Apply Beyond the Set of Questions Answered and Answerable by RCTs?
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.43249097472924186 . 0.2514018691588785)
RCTs tend to focus on questions that aren’t a priori obvious.
NOTER_PAGE: (35 0.49675090252707577 . 0.24299065420560748)
There really is no good way to empirically identify the impact of a five-year prison sentence versus no criminal justice involvement at all.
NOTER_PAGE: (36 0.47725631768953064 . 0.3990654205607477)
interventions evaluable via rigorous method of empirical causal inference.
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.1862815884476534 . 0.33925233644859815)
NOTER_PAGE: (37 0.5169675090252708 . 0.43644859813084114)
A. Myth
NOTER_PAGE: (38 0.18267148014440432 . 0.23644859813084113)
NOTER_PAGE: (38 0.22527075812274366 . 0.2906542056074766)
emphasis on using RCTs to identify “what works,”
NOTER_PAGE: (39 0.17545126353790613 . 0.34953271028037386)
The empirical research that gets celebrated is that which purports to successfully map some quadrant of the causal machine, that shows how an intervention successfully changes an important outcome.
NOTER_PAGE: (40 0.28736462093862813 . 0.40560747663551405)
B. Social Change
NOTER_PAGE: (40 0.6693140794223826 . 0.22897196261682243)
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.15812274368231047 . 0.3747663551401869)
RCTs require holding all else constant except the treatment. This “limits the focus to interventions that leave systems intact and change some element that is manipulable without doing ‘damage’ to the system.”
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.20216606498194944 . 0.2355140186915888)
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.38844765342960286 . 0.5588785046728972)
(1) Give a man a fish:
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.5061371841155234 . 0.2457943925233645)
there remains a straightforward and obvious way to ameliorate harm: simply give people what they need.
NOTER_PAGE: (42 0.5646209386281588 . 0.2841121495327103)
(2) Uncertain incrementalism:
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.1444043321299639 . 0.24485981308411217)
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.4274368231046931 . 0.24672897196261684)
C. What Is the Structure of the Social World?
NOTER_PAGE: (43 0.6895306859205775 . 0.2280373831775701)
D. How Should We Learn About How To Achieve Desired Change?
NOTER_PAGE: (44 0.4267148014440433 . 0.2327102803738318)
E. On Research and Knowledge Generation
NOTER_PAGE: (45 0.6534296028880866 . 0.22990654205607478)
NOTER_PAGE: (46 0.23826714801444043 . 0.2925233644859813)
the people best positioned to dispel the myth are those who stand to lose the most from its absence.
NOTER_PAGE: (46 0.32563176895306856 . 0.30934579439252335)
many researchers don’t think of the engineer’s view as a myth.
NOTER_PAGE: (46 0.4462093862815884 . 0.2953271028037383)
NOTER_PAGE: (47 0.21444043321299638 . 0.4532710280373832)
The fact that outside forces—interventions— are largely unsuccessful at engineering change in people’s lives does not necessarily mean that humans are powerless beings in the throes of social forces. Rather, it suggests that people have already fought to create the best lives they could for themselves given the circumstances.
NOTER_PAGE: (47 0.31263537906137184 . 0.4654205607476636)
the constraints that remain appear to be deep, structural, and hard to shift. That doesn’t mean they are immovable, but just that they usually aren’t moveable with the type of intervention evaluable via RCT.
NOTER_PAGE: (47 0.43610108303249095 . 0.3682242990654206)
As for how to move them—I don’t know. Moreover, I don’t think we can know, or at least not with the high levels of confidence promised by the engineer’s view. We will proceed, but must do so with the humility of uncertainty.
NOTER_PAGE: (47 0.4714801444043321 . 0.6242990654205608)