The Law's New Language?

Law and Technology Megan Ma

Shift in law from descriptive language to code is a question of linguistics. The language of code doesn't work in the same way as legal language does, in ways with profound implications that we should think through carefully.


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“mandate of the prediction imperative,”[1] a pursuit of certainty that regards complete and total information as ideal

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The presumption that machines are able to generate neutral sets of information, then translate such information into perfectly comprehensible instruction, is evidently misinformed

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premise that translation operates without interpretation

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conferring the rule of law to code

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simple commands are passively understood as progress towards increased efficiency and utility in the law

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Code becomes the sole bearer of value and semiotic vessel in which the law embeds itself

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underlying assumption is that law and its language exist in a state of universality and is logically reducible

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belief that description is distinct from interpretation

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Despite the capacity to express contracts in an alternative computable form, there is no means for interpretation

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Computable contracts seem like an effort to front-load the work of figuring out contract terms, rather than risk leaving it to an adjudicator

is the aim of the law merely to signpost?

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conceived argument as systematically formulaic

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“Meaning,” she states, “…depends on the curious entanglement of self-reflection, rational discourse and emotional awareness that hinges on the opacity of our dynamic and large inaccessible unconscious. Data, code…do not attribute meaning.”

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necessitate a shift from reason to statistics

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falsely interpreting abstraction as verity

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