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- Philip Leith Expert Systems
the rise of expert systems and why - despite their failure - the appeal of commoditising legal expertise continues to allure the unwary.
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easily replicated, readily distributed, and essentially immortal
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my position became much more sceptical of the value of expert systems in law
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culture in law of denying the complexity of law
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If LP were as good as we believed, it would have occu- pied the position that Java occupies today.
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wondering what legal research lawyers actually do [Much less than one would imagine - procedural knowledge was prized much more highly, we found]
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The model is thus of a core of rules, and a logical interpreter
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was partly hubristic but is also a relatively accurate description of the non-critical perspectives around law schools during that decade
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Law could be made democratically available to all and hence the research goal - it seemed to me - was almost advocated as something that was socially valuable
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commodification was in the background
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hubris of the 1980s was linked to a view of law which has gone, both from law schools and, to an extent, from the profession.
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why was there optimism, was there ever any success, and - if as I suggest - there was none, then why was such a huge extravaganza of funding
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focus on the machine rather than the user had led technicians into fields which they little understood
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went unused
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many hundreds of programs which have been produced as ‘expert systems’ and which grew from the opti- mism created by these three programs, Mycin, Dendral and Prospector.
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these programs were not successful in their move from the labs
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simply categorized previous efforts as learning experiences
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serious misunder- standings about logic itself, primary of which was their use that counterfactuals could rep- resent legal causation
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we have a piece of legislation which must be interpreted in the real world in a social context being gutted and represented by a formalism which other logicians believe to be incorrectly interpreted, without any discussion by the logic programmers of why they have chosen these tools and why their logical interpretation is correct.
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not logic per se, but a kind of cognitive psychology of reasoning
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What was missing was proper analysis of user needs
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procedural knowledge was viewed as more useful and thus better regarded than substantive law - because procedural knowledge told you how to do something, which means that client’s wishes can be moved along
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where law is important is where there are two sides prepared to argue, rather than agree the law
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Law is agonistic
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law is ever changing and constantly being interpreted
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Can one really imagine two users of expert systems going into the courtroom and waiving their respective printouts at the judge, claiming that theirs states that they should win?
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simple ‘decision tree’
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distant relative of the idea of an ‘expert system’
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One should never underestimate the power of an attractive idea - that we can anthropomorphize the machine: have it ‘reason’, ‘think’ or whatnot. That was what really underlay the notion of expert system
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we can see why industry was less than excited about producing products from Alvey funded research - it did not answer the needs of the marketplace
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lack of critical perspective on the nature of law
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massive influx of funding
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developments such as legal search engines, citations systems, etc
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expert systems movement effectively killed off any other approach to computer application to law and we are still suffering the consequences of that hubris
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