Was Gisday

LAW 397 Indigenous Legal Theories


analyze "the purpose of the right to freedom question by reference to…the historical origins of the concepts enshrined”.

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colonists did not see their rights pursuant to Royal Charters as giving them title to the land, but only the right to acquire title from the Indians.

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British authorities came to understand that the integrity of the British Empire in North America, in its continuing struggle with the French for hegemony, was grounded in Indian insistence and British acknowledgement that Indian rights must be respected.

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Indian nations are recognized by the Crown as possessing rights to their tefritory,

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the fundamental principles which are reflected in the Proclamation have also become embodied in the common law.

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the claims of the Indians over tracts of land, and on which they assume to exercise ownership, but of which they make no real use, operate very materially to prevent settlement and cultivation.

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the need for protection of Indian rights from abuse and fraud by whites at the frontier of the colonies, and the inability or unwillingness of the local governments to protect such rights, spurred the consolidation and codification of Imperial recognition of Indian rights.

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the legislative objective of including aboriginal and treaty rights in the Constitution of Canada was to restore the honour of the Crown

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Our treatment, our meagre, mean treatment of them, has increased our obligation, not diminished it. We cannot reverse history, but we can take account of it.

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There is nothing, so far as I can see, to warrant any distrust by the Indians of the Government of Canada.

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