A Nonmonotonic Rule System using Ontologies

Semantic Web Grigoris Antoniou


DAML+OIL was designed to be sufficiently rich to be useful in applications, while being simple enough to allow for efficient reasoning support. In fact, it corresponds to an expressive description logic.

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defeasible reasoning is arguably one of the most successful subarea in nonmonotonic reasoning

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news to me that "defeasible" and "nonmonotonic" aren't synonyms…

One important advantage of such systems is their focus on implementability and their low computational complexity

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defeasible ontologies can be built

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Rule- based systems define ontology-based applications using vocabulary defined in description logic.

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we will study defeasible reasoning [21] running on top of description logics.

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both Horn logic and description logics are subsets of predicate logic. Therefore seman- tically there is no difficulty at all, and the focus of work on hybrid reasoning has been on efficient algorithms and limits of computability.

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if one wants to use a declarative approach, with all the benefits that follow for maintainability and formal analysis, then nonmonotonic rules are the way to go.

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A defeasible theory (a knowledge base in defeasible logic) consists of three different kinds of knowledge: strict rules, defeasible rules, and a superiority relation.

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hybrid proof theory in which description logic reasoning and defeasible reasoning are interleaved.

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