Adtech Bubble

Market Failure

Online targeted advertising doesn't work, like, at all.

Walled Garden Platforms Are Drowning Marketers In Self-Attributed Sales, What Digital Advertising Gets Wrong, Does Personalized Advertising Work as Well as Tech Companies Claim? Google/Facebook/Twitter's own advertising metrics are not statistically valid
The new dot com bubble is here: it’s called online advertising: eBay's spending on Google ads was a net negative
Ads may not provide benefits companies say they do: Rebuttal of some ad industry claims by CyLab Dutch public broadcaster's revenue increased after disabling tracking cookies
Forget privacy: you're terrible at targeting anyway - apenwarr
Why micro targeting does not work and nevertheless disrupts the public sphere
Platform Enclosure of Human Behavior and its Measurement: Using Behavioral Trace Data against Platform Episteme David Dayen makes the straightforward argument: Targeted ads cause massive harm and have no real benefit, so they should be banned.
Facebook’s pivot to video didn’t just burn publishers. It didn’t even work for Facebook
Subprime Attention Crisis