Common Justice

Restorative Justice

Video series: Ever After

Danielle Sered interview with Adam Johnson (The Appeal Podcast.mp3)

Common Justice develops and advances solutions to violence that meet the needs of those who are harmed, that advance racial equity and that do not rely on incarceration.

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restorative justice process where the people responsible for harm after extensive preparation, sit with those they’ve hurt, reach agreements about how to make things as right as possible and then fulfill their agreements

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90% of those given the option choose Common Justice

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We can’t stand the idea of going through it again and we can’t stand the idea of someone else going through what we went through. So when we’re faced with a choice, we will always choose the thing that we think will prevent those two outcomes.

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Survivors pay for prisons failure with their own pain, and they have for far too long.

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When we’re talking about survivors of violence, it’s not as simple as to say like don’t call the police.

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the thing that has been done to them requires a response

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they are deserving of help and protection for what happened

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there is a whole portion of things that the criminal justice system does that it just should stop doing entirely

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we think less about shrinking mass incarceration and more about displacing it

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It’s not just that prison doesn’t work. It’s that prison generates violence

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you don’t have to be someone who hates prison to fight for the end of mass incarceration. You have to be someone who hates violence

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distinguish between punishment and accountability

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deeply into accountability. And for us that means acknowledging what you’ve done, acknowledging its impact, expressing genuine remorse, making things as right as possible, ideally in a way defined by those harmed and doing the hard labor of becoming someone who will never cause harm again

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Prisons are "antithetical to accountability in part because accountability requires your whole dignified human self and prison is built to diminish your whole dignified human self."

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Example of robber teaching self-defence to man he assaulted

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how dare we deny that kind of access of healing to survivors

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prosecutors could end mass incarceration tomorrow without changing a single law

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