Ever After

Common Justice Restorative Justice

A video series about people's experiences of violence (Ever After)

Lisa: "A system that I would design […] would not take people away from their communities […] instead it would bring the community around them to show them the harm that they've caused" (YouTube)

Maria: "I probably would have wanted to know why, to be able to heal the right way […] I would have wanted the system to tell me the right things about the law. Maybe I would have reported him, I would have gone to court not feeling that it was my fault […] It makes me feel powerful to know that I'm actually working for change" (YouTube)

Susan: "People were willing to do whatever it took […] What would revenge do? What are the ramifications […] it's more important to keep the family together […] it's not going to bring him back, but what it can do is destroy me […] accept the help that's out there for you […] if you lock a person up but you really don't get to the core of why that person did what they did, then all you're doing is keeping them off the streets for a minute or two, but then they come out, sometimes worse than when they went in. What have you done in there that made you change your way of thinking?" Rehabilitation is learning about people and their backgrounds and what they're missing (YouTube)

Hyunhee: "When violence is so close to feelings around intimacy […] it blurs deep emotional lines about what you feel is okay […] When a system is tailored around one particular group [white women], it leaves the rest of us out [police, immigration, language] […] that's what I wanted the most, in the immediate aftermath, someone I knew to tell me that it was OK and that it was not my fault […] think about what everybody looks like […] thinking about the boundaries of that and then trying to push it further, beyond who you see every day, beyond who you talk to every day […] think about the last girl. A girl in the remotest village, the poorest village, a girl of colour, a girl with disabilities […] That's what I think about, when I think about equity, is the last girl" (YouTube)

Donna: "I was labelled a liar, and so I became a liar […] My safe space was when I would dissociate […] How do you treat people when you remove them from our communities? Do we treat people as less than? Do we treat people as subhuman? […] We know the act that they do is wrong, but the person needs to be addressed […] We're all wounded healers […] My way of giving justice to that little girl is to hold her and say, 'I believe you'" (YouTube)