Org Mode
See Jethro Kuan's Org-mode Workflow
Orger: plaintext reflection of your digital self | beepb00p
Org-roam (v2 guide) (org-roam/org-roam#672 #+KEYWORD caching in org-roam-db: arbitrary attributes probably not coming soon)
UOMF: Managing web bookmarks with Org Mode
Org-mode for contacts : emacs
Vidianos-Giannitsis/org-roam-similarity: My fork of org-similarity. Org-similarity is an Emacs package that helps org-mode users discover similar documents via TF-IDF and cosine similarity. This fork tries to make org-similarity integrate better with org-roam as I plan to use it mostly with org-roam
TagSpaces: File manager with tagging and note-taking capabilities
Recoll: Full-text search of many document types
Datashare: Something like Recoll but a little more polished, I think. Also does NER
Klaro: Cards with arbitrary dimensions
Maybe could at some point do something like Mt. Solitary stack for web publishing
karlicoss/promnesia: Another piece of your extended mind
Inbox zero ("dark cockpit")
Good tool comparison:
toeverything/AFFiNE: Notion-ish?
Semantic MediaWiki
zadam/trilium: Highly-regarded PKM app, now in maintenance mode
GitBook: Knowledge management for technical teams (see also mdBook, similar but Rust; MkDocs)
goobook / GooBook ยท GitLab: CLI access to Google contacts
Find My Cite: Search semantic content of Zotero library
The Distant Reader
TF-IDF, BM25 Tools for thought syllabus
Building a better memory system