Beyond bias: algorithmic machines, discrimination law and the analogy trap

Algorithmic Discrimination


‘ 'traps '’ that result from attempts to transpose discrimination laws to algorithmic machines and their biases.

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‘Why hire a lawyer? I'll make myself one!’ And Trurl went home, threw six heaping teaspoons of transistors into a big pot, added again as many condensers and resistors, poured electrolyte over it, stirred well and covered tightly with a lid, then went to bed, and in three days the mixture had organized itself into a first-rate lawyer.—Stanisław Lem, The Cyberiad, 1965

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‘challenge of regulatory connection’. It pictures the law and law-making as slow, lagging behind, and barely able to catch up with fast-evolving technologies,

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instrumentalist reading of the law as a technical tool engineered by ‘modest but expertly devoted technicians’ seeking to solve practical problems. 7 This is particularly manifest in the ‘human-centric AI’ leitmotiv

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implicit analogy between the ‘digital’ and the ‘human’ realms which provides justificatory force for treating them alike.

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On the other hand, the (unspoken) value compact encapsulated in the human figure is transposed by analogy to the regulation of the digital realm.

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two main routes can be taken to ‘bridge' the normative interstices that emerge when new technologies are deployed.

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purposive interpretation of existing rules

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second route involves adopting new regulations

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The tech industry deploys powerful frames to influence how regulatory problems are constructed, perceived and addressed by regulators.

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framing technology as the relevant regulatory site amounts to a first analogy trap

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A. Technical frames: the problem with centering algorithmic systems

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Critical accounts of anti-discrimination law deplore its overemphasis on perpetrators, for example single decision-makers.

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the ‘black box boundary’ is drawn around the technical element alone, excluding its context of intervention and its interaction with organisational processes, cognitive schemes and ideological frameworks.

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Discrimination that can neither be attributed to bad tech nor to a given perpetrator risks falling into a liability gap.

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sources of discrimination that cannot be traced to discrete bad mechanisms are bracketed, dismissed as someone else’s problem or, worse, couched as untouchable facts of history’.

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"what was once viewed as a misfortune is understood as an injustice"

discrimination is not a product of biased algorithms alone, but is rather co-produced at the intersection of epistemic, social and technical practices,

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algorithms become viewed as one of the ingredients of discrimination alongside – but not separate from – human decisions, organisational processes and value frameworks.

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developers argue that the system makes ‘realistic predictions for job seekers belonging to disadvantaged groups’ which reflect ‘the harsh reality’

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Analogies between human perpetrators of discrimination and technical systems cannot adequately account for such entangled agency.

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the profiling system had been branded as a way to ensure the objectivity of the decision-making process. Yet the developers’ defence against accusations of bias was to present the system as a simple ‘measure of “technical support” for the AMS workers’, a ‘second opinion’ and a ‘mere add-on’

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liability mechanisms in discrimination law must be revisited to reflect the mechanics of co-production of algorithmic discrimination within socio-technical assemblages.

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strategic approximation of responsibility for discrimination

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biased algorithmic recommendations should arguably be conceptualised as ‘instructions to discriminate’.

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‘bias’ has come to be perceived as the relevant site for regulatory intervention.

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algorithmic discrimination is framed as ‘mere accidents that are ‘caused,’ if at all, by biases that ‘sneak in’ to the system’.

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‘glitch’ narrative depicts bias as an exogenous and occasional ‘error’ that accidentally enters algorithmic systems.

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Designating bias as a regulatory object encourages technical fixes such as bias mitigation and debiasing strategies.

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‘locat[e] the problems and solutions in algorithmic inputs and outputs, shifting political problems into the domain of design’

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‘concentrat[ing] power in the hands of service providers, giving them (and not lawmakers) the discretion to decide what counts as discrimination, when it occurs and how to address it’.

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Bias itself only leads to discrimination because it is inscribed in, and interacts with, existing vectors of inequality. Hence, addressing algorithmic discrimination requires addressing the whole socio-technical system,

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emphasis on the need for clean and representative data tends to obfuscate more systemic causes of algorithmic discrimination.

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‘if the data represent something wrong or biased, what should they represent instead?’

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‘the alternative to biased data from the current society is not neutral data but data based on a political decision on what society should be like

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bequeaths responsibility for biased data to society at large.

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Framing the problem of algorithmic discrimination as technical feeds into what Kling calls ‘reinforcement politics’ by empowering tech experts, providers and users of AI to define and solve it.

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a socio-technical reading of algorithmic discrimination gives visibility to the ways in which bias is enacted through specific usages of technologies,

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The ex post individual redress system in anti-discrimination law, which places the burden of proof and redress on the shoulders of individual victims, should be complemented by public supervision, collective action and a low threshold for triggering rebuttable presumptions of algorithmic discrimination.

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the clash between algorithmic subjects, often described as clusters and profiles predicated on big data analytics, and the functional categorisations operated by non- discrimination law to grant protection, for example on the basis of gender or ethnicity.

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Non-discrimination law functionally defines two main units of protection: the individual victim of discrimination and the protected group.

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the notion of protected ‘ground’,

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These protected categories serve as ‘proxies’ for vectors of disadvantage and inequality that society perceives as morally unfair

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non-discrimination law enacts specific regulatory subjects through categorisation operations that are premised on the relative stability, salience and identifiability of given social groups.

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both fundamental units of subjectivity – the autonomous individual and the socially identifiable group – fade away in the face of algorithmic rationality.

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Stability of legally protected grounds vs volatility of algorithmic clusters

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Data subjects are clustered in provisional and unstable aggregates that are recomposed as data fluctuates and technological deployment shifts.

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Intelligibility of protected categories vs. correlational algorithmic clustering

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The normative implications of algorithmic clusters can only be comprehended at the complex intersection of machine processes, social practices, human cognition and value frameworks.

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Algorithmic clustering creates ‘non-publics’ or ‘phantom publics’ that undermine key premises for the application of non-discrimination law, namely visibility, mutual recognition and collective action.

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unintelligibility of algorithmic groupings also undermines the conditions for mutual recognition and collective action upon which the actionability of non-discrimination norms is premised.

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The lack of mutual recognition and basis for collective action undermines or delays accountability.

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Social salience of protected grounds vs contingency of algorithmic subjectivity

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The raison d’être of algorithmic groupings is their exploitability and actionability for decision-making, which themselves depend upon economic rationality and profit-making logics.

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collective algorithmic subjects do not exist outside of specific assemblages and cannot be comprehended when abstracted from the purpose of these assemblages.

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B. The individual vs. the data user: the fading of autonomy and dignity

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Individual self-definition vs algorithmic stereotyping

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Algorithmic subject-making strips individuals from the power of definition over their identity.

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protect individuals’ dignity understood as the right to identity-building and singularity.

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Algorithmic decision-making systems produce pattern-based individualised or personalised – as opposed to individual or personal – decisions.

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Individual autonomy vs algorithmic opacity

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III. Displacing modes of reasoning: from comparison to ground truth and from rights to risks

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A. Comparative heuristics and the ‘ground truth’ question

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Causal Inference

Non-discrimination law hinges on the comparability of applicants’ situation with others who do not belong to protected categories.

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but for a protected ground, two people or groups would have been treated the same.

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The illegibility of algorithmic subjectivity saps individuals’ ability to compare themselves to activate non-discrimination law and, potentially, judges’ ability to assess algorithmic discrimination.

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the way in which meaning is produced is entirely delegated to the technical tool according to invisible logics. This inferential mode of knowledge production bypasses nomenclatures, categorisations and hypotheses.

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‘smart digital technologies make pattern- based, personalized decisions rather than principled, generalizable ones, and they don’t give reasons for – or even draw attention to – the choices they make’.

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Profiling and inferential predictions also take away the possibility to establish a stable counter- factual ‘other’.

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there can only be bias if algorithmic rankings can be contrasted with a good or fair representation’.

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B. The proportionality test: from a rights-based to a risk-based assessment

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conflation of two very different understandings of the notion of proportionality.

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Indirect discrimination, by contrast to direct discrimination, can be justified if the incriminated ‘provision, criterion or practice is objectively justified by a legitimate aim

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prima facie discrimination can be considered proportionate

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discrimination that might not give rise to exclusion from a tangible good or service in a given moment, but the accumulation of which over time might severely diminish a subject’s autonomy, dignity and quality of life.

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Even though the AI Act proclaims complementarity with fundamental rights legislation, the semantics of risks, health and safety and fundamental rights provide for an uneasy blending.

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Determining the threshold for ‘acceptable’ ‘residual risks’ is a highly normative task that seems to lay almost entirely in the hands of providers and users.

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The risk balancing operated by the EU AI Act is in fact alien to the very philosophy and rationale underpinning fundamental rights law.

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strict judicial review that is at odds with the portraying of fundamental rights as mere ‘interests’ in the balance of risks.

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